2RU Raman Co-pumps

MPBC's 2RU Raman Co-Pump sources are designed as a cost-effective solution for extending link reach by providing distributed Raman post-amplification out into the span. They are equipped with an OSC signal transmitter for monitoring fiber integrity in the link.

Additionally, they feature coupling optics to seamlessly merge the outgoing C-band channels with the OSC Tx signal before injecting them into the span, alongside the Raman pump power.

  • NEBS Level 3 and GR-3108 Class 1 compliant (NEBS L3 kit required)
  • Fiber integrity monitor with automatic safety shut-down and restart
  • Secure Web based GUI
  • Integrated Ethernet port 
  • On-board micro-SD card for simple provisioning
  • SNMP interface

2RU Super Raman Co-Pump

MPBC’s 2RU Super Raman co-pumps provide up to 3 W of output power at 1276 nm, along with low seed power laser. Designed to accommodate MPBC's patented pumping technique, the 2RU-SRCP provides third-order distributed Raman post-amplification out in the span for transmitted data channels in the red spectrum of the C-band (1542 to 1568 nm).

  • Patented 3rd order Raman pumping

2RU Multiplexed Laser Diode Co-Pump

The MLD and MLDS co-pump sources extend link reach by providing post-amplification within the transmission span for data channels across the entire C-band.  The 2RU-MLD is a first order Raman co-pump and the 2RU-MLDS is a supplementary 1 W unit to the 2RU-MLD. When combined, the 2RU-MLD + 2RU-MLDS duo generates high power at  14xx-nm allowing for both first- and second-order Raman co-pumping, resulting in a total combined output power of 2 W.

Key features


Integrated OSC for fiber integrity monitoring


NEM2 interface card with secured web-based GUI, CLI, SNMP and NETCONF API ready


Provides highest power Raman co-pumping with low RIN over the entire C-band


Easy to use web-based Craft Terminal for control and monitoring

Typical optical specifications

Custom Table
Signal Passband 1500-1568 nm 1500-1568 nm
Maximum Output Power ≤3 W ≤2 W combined
Maximum Degree of Polarization <10% <4%
Maximum C-band Insertion Loss 3.2 dB 2 dB 1 dB
OSC Wavelength 1574 nm
OSC Reach (Raman pump off) 86 dB

Specifications subject to change without notice

Super C-band
Custom Table
Operational Wavelength Range 1524 - 1572 nm
Maximum Output Power up to 2 W combined
Degree of Polarization < 4%
Maximum Signal Band Insertion Loss 2 dB 1 dB
RIN Noise -122 dB/Hz
OSC Wavelength 1576 nm
OSC Reach 88 dB

Specifications subject to change without notice

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Typical optical specifications

Specifications subject to change without notice

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8x100G Unrepeatered Transmission Over Record 92.7 dB Span (618 km)
8x100G Unrepeatered Transmission Over Record 92.7 dB Span (618 km)

We have demonstrated the unrepeatered transmission of 8 x 100 G over a span loss of 92.7 dB, achieving unprecedented reach.

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