Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry is a rapid method used to detect, identify and measure multiple characteristics of an individual cell. This method is widely used in biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, and cell biology to identify and quantify cell populations based on characteristics like size, shape, and the presence of specific molecular markers. In flow cytometry, cells or particles are suspended in a fluid stream and pass through a laser beam one at a time. The laser beam excites the fluorophores in the cells each time they pass through its path. The light-scatter from the cell and emitted fluorescence from the antibody-fluorophore combination is then collected by optical detectors and is transferred to a digital format to be analyzed on a dot plot or histogram.

Fiber lasers play a crucial role in flow cytometry by providing the high-intensity, stable, and precise light sources needed for fluorescence excitation and light scattering.

Our line of visible fiber lasers – which boast unsurpassed beam quality, excellent wavelength stability, and low noise, essential for achieving enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility, meet the needs of advanced research and diagnostic applications.

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